
Installation Guide

Welcome to the installation guide for the Universal Commits Migrator (UCM). This tool is designed to migrate your commit history from source control management platforms like GitLab to a GitHub repository as empty commits.

This document provides detailed instructions to help you set up and install the tool on your local machine.


Before you begin the installation process, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Git: To clone the repository.
  2. Go: The tool is written in Go, so you’ll need the Go language installed to run it.
  3. Personal Access Tokens:
    • GitLab Personal Access Token: Token with read_api scope to fetch commit data from your GitLab account. Create one here.
    • GitHub Personal Access Token: Token with repo scope to push commits to your GitHub repository. Create one here.

Installation Steps

1. Clone the Repository

Clone the Universal Commits Migrator (UCM) repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/AhmedRaafat14/universal-commits-migrator.git

2. Navigate to the Project Directory

Change into the project directory with:

cd universal-commits-migrator

3. Configure Environment Variables

The tool uses environment variables for configuration. Rename the provided .env.template to .env and fill in your details:

# Rename .env.template to .env
mv .env.template .env

# Edit the .env file with your favorite editor (vim, nano, etc.)
nano .env

Inside the .env file, you will need to provide the following information:

Check the Configuration docs for more details on this.

4. Install Dependencies

Run the following to ensure the installation of any dependencies:

go mod tidy

This command will download and install any required dependencies for the project.

5. Verify the Installation

Ensure everything is set up correctly by running a simple command to check if the application runs without errors:

go run main.go

If you see a log output without errors and the tool displays fetching and pushing steps, your installation is successful.

Next Steps

After successfully installing the Universal Commits Migrator (UCM), you may proceed to run the tool following the usage instructions detailed in the /usage/usage.md document.

For any issues during the installation or any further assistance, please check the /troubleshooting/troubleshooting.md document or open an issue in the GitHub repository.

Thank you for installing the Universal Commits Migrator (UCM). Happy migrating!